Il tuo CD è veramente una registrazione dove idee, fantasia, musicalitá e una eccellente tecnica trovano posto. È una gioia vedere (sentire) grazie a te, che Mario Gangi era un gran musicista; un musicista fortunato di avere un tal eccellente interprete! Carlo Domeniconi, guitarist & composer ITALY/GERMANY

...squisita sensibilità e tecnica consumata... Avvenire pubblico ha accolto con larghi consensi l' esecuzione del giovane chitarrista Massimo Delle Cese...Chitarra e Musica

...pregevole esecuzione, che ha ben messo in luce le atmosfere suscitate dalle musiche in programma... Il Tempo Newspaper

...he is an admirable artist...his sense of programming is superb... an artist of international stature… Robert Luse, The Straits Time SINGAPORE

...Massimo produces an exceptionally distinguished tone… his performance compelled total attraction of a receptive audience...Colin Cooper ,Classical Guitar UK

One of the great mysteries in my life is why Gangi's music is so rarely performed outside Italy. It's original, accessible, superbly written and yet somehow has never become fashionable. I hope this superb recording changes this situation! Paul Fowles, Classical Guitar Magazine UK

... nella vostra collezione non può mancare questo CD (...) una bellissima sorpresa per i chitarristi di oggi e di ieri...una nuova certezza per quelli di domani. L'interpretazione di Delle Cese non mostra il benché minimo cedimento … un suono luminoso e ricco. Francesco Biraghi, Il Fronimo ITALY

I enjoy listening to your CD very much. Congratulations for this fine effort I am quite impressed with it! Your playing is equally impressive. Dean Kamei GSP Chairman - Guitar Solo Publications, San Francisco USA

... I already listened the cd three times! I loved the music, the amazing recording quality and mostly your musicality, your wonderful interpretation, Mr. Gangi must be very proud of you ! Thank you very much for letting me know about this clever and beautiful music for guitar. Bravo, Maestro! Ricardo Moyano, ARGENTINA

...With the release of this world premiere recording ... Massimo Delle Cese has a fabulous touch and seems to be the perfect role model for anyone studying these wonderful pieces and the guitar… consider having a look (and a listen) to this excellent music. Steve Marsh Classical Guitar Magazine UK

I have been listening to you, and I would really like to say that I think the recital is very very good and above all very musical, it breathes music. Brian Jeffery Tecla Editions - UK

I have to tell you, I like it very much. Each of the studies is a wonderful little miniature and you plays them so well! Reed Gilchrist California Guitar Festival

Te mando un saludo desde Argentina, ha sido un gusto verte y escucharte todavía en Valencia. He escuchado el CD tambien con los estudios del maestro Gangi y es un bellísimo trabajo. Felicitaciones! Eduardo Isaac ARGENTINA

The Italian player Massimo Delle Cese could easily give example of his “stile galante” plaiyng the Galuppi Sonatas, by his fine technique and elegant phrasing. Nevertheless he shows to love the other works in his program: he really played the Iannarelli “Tribute to Keith Jarret” and Kavanagh “Three pieces” with the same elegance, although giving them the right style of course, but anyway the elegance was overall Massimo’s best gift! Urath Bodlinger Iserlhon Guitar Festival - Germany

I have listened to it over and over, it is really first class, an important work done superbly! You are a Major artist. And the music is also an important contribution to guitar. One more time- BRAVO! Mikhail Robert - Guitar Maker CANADA

Desidero complimentarmi per il tuo lodevole lavoro discografico; sia per la scelta del programma, che per le tue energie esecutive e per l'alta qualità del CD. Complimenti! Michele Libraro, Mottola International Guitar Festival Director ITALY

Dear Massimo, I have enjoyed listening to you in Portugal and the CD once returned from there. I like the pieces and your playing too! Ken Murray , Guitarist & Teacher at Victoria University AUSTRALIA

…el recital ha sido magnifico así como el CD dedicado a nuestro querido maestro Mario Gangi!!. Enhorabuena por la sensibilidad y virtuisismo demostrado. Me ha gustado mucho tu interpretación. Te espero para tocar todavía en Valencia!! Jorge Orozco, Valencia Guitar Festival SPAIN

Massimo Delle Cese con questo CD riempie un vuoto che è esistito per molto tempo...un'interpretazione di notevole statura...entusiasmo e pertinenza sua esperienza concertistica traspare in modo evidente… Maurizio Colonna, Guitar Club Magazine

I really enjoyed your playing in the recital as well as the CD: you play very, very well. Congratulations on your playing and on the choice of repertoire. Carlos Bonell, UK

J'ai beaucoup appècié votre tres beeau CD, sur les 22 etudes du Maestro Gangi: votre sensibilité, et l'expression trés naturel de votre jeu. J'aime beaucoup la musique de Mario Gangi, sensible et genereuse comme l'est votre interpretation. J'ai prticulierment apprècié (entre autre) l'etude n. 9 et 10. Bravo pour votre travail! Francis Kleynjans, guitarist & composer FRANCE

...ho ascoltato il suo concerto e il suo CD: è veramente, molto bello. Il suo suono è oltremodo piacevole e la sua tecnica è perfetta. Complimenti! Tutti lo aspettiamo a Phoenix! Frank Koonce, Arizona State University School of Music, Tempe, AZ USA

All the 22 studies are very interesting, as musically than technically.... you are a very good ambassador of this music. It's superbly played, and you have a very good sound indeed! Eric Fanceries, guitarist FRANCE

I believe your music is very sensitive and romantic, and your technical skills are excellent. You have an excellent stage presence, and you and your music are perfect for the US audiences, surely winnig a great success as well! I wish you the very best with your music. Russ De Angelo - LaGuitarraCalifornia Festival San Louis Obispo CA - USA


...they performed a superb concert!!” Rob Smith EuroWirral International Guitar Festival Director UK

...Yours is clearly one of the best guitar trios in existence, I congratulate you warmly on the wonderful quality of your CD - and of the arrangements! John Duarte UK

...Simply put, this new disc is dynamite...such energy, precision and sheer musicality is rare…don’t miss it!... Soundboard
Magazine USA
...Jouée remarquablement, avec beaucoup de recherches de timbres, trés rythmique bien sûr, elle est un pari tres réussi. Gros travail fourni par les musiciens, grand plaisir pour les auditeurs... Alain Miteran Les Cahiers de la Guitare FRANCE

...A very enjoiable record, with some alluring sounds and captivating rhythms, all professionally presented with plenty of the kind of alert and alive playing that one always likes to hear… Colin Cooper Classical Guitar UK the Wirral International Festival, the Trio presented a bold and largely convincing Rhapsody in Blue: an ensemble with true star potential… Paul Fowles Classical Guitar UK

...un inarrestabile crescendo di intensità ed emozioni, con i giochi pirotecnici di Rossini e Gershwin... accurate trascrizioni e interpretazioni brillanti. Gianluca Allocca Guitart Magazine ITALY

..Un prodotto che si pone prepotentemente all' attenzione di chi ascolta, trascinandolo e coinvolgendolo in una partecipazione che va oltre le competenze specifiche… CHITARRE Magazine n.106 ITALY

...prezioso saggio di bravura ed intelligenza interpretativa.. M.Francolino L' Informazione Newspaper ITALY

I believe your music is very sensitive and romantic, and your technical skills are excellent. You have an excellent stage presence, and you and your music are perfect for the US audiences, surely winnig a great success as well! I wish you the very best with your music. Russ De Angelo - LaGuitarraCalifornia Festival San Louis Obispo CA - US

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